Wednesday, July 13, 2011

the metrodome is a dome again!

so, i was biking through downtown, and noticed that the roof of the Mall of America Field at Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome has been re-inflated!!

i wonder if that swastika is still in the center of the roof?

Friday, July 8, 2011

did somebody in minneapolis get raptured?

this morning, i noticed these clothes in an exterior corner of minneapolis' main post office.

sure, it's possible that somebody left a pair of inside-out boxer briefs, a pair of shorts, and 2 (folded!?!) t-shirts for a reason, but could it also be proof that at least ONE minneapolitan has been found to be righteous?

Friday, July 1, 2011

free panties on franklin ave!

so, while heading back to the car after my friend JLJ
and i enjoyed a couple DElicious slices of the Veggie pie
and the Pizza Luce on Franklin, i noticed 2 cardboard
boxes on the Luce side of the sidewalk that would be in
the middle of Milwaukee Avenue if it continued north.

naturally, we investigated and discovered that the boxes
contained mostly clothes and a pair of tongs.

the tongs enabled further investigation without having
to actually touch anything in the boxes (except for the
tongs, of course, which we later decided were probably
the dirtiest things in there cuzza who knows how many
people checking out the boxes with those things!), but
upon finding these, what appear to be period stained
panties sorta stuck in blue scrubs, we decided to move on.

as we were walking away, a woman who was walking up
the block was all "hey, is that free stuff?", to which we
replied "help yourself!"

before we could get back into the car which was like
10 feet away, the woman had also discovered the panties,
and ALSO decided to keep on moving.