Sunday, August 31, 2008

Saturday, August 30, 2008
weird tree
it's a tree across 26th from the new french with a weird branch.

there are these rat traps like every 20 feet behind the nestle plant in st louis park (?). the cedar lake bike trail goes right behind the building, and thankfully i have yet to see any of the "little buddies". not sure about heading passed there after dark, tho. YIKES!!

the birds are cute, but maybe a rat's nest would be more appropriate... (not at all disparaging any fine nestle products, which i'm sure are all of the highest quality, and absolutely delish)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
unfortunate typo
the picture kinda sucks, but in the larger version you can better see the typo on the last named beer - of course it should be "negra modelo". wonder if somebody had a little too much "barack on the brain"??
late night train
see that stop sign? that's for bikers on the greenway. from my experience, it must be too small for most of them to see.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
"dirty" tree
Monday, August 25, 2008
ice skates on a wire
so does this mean that there's an "ice" dealer in the area?? or is it gang thing?? or just dochebaggery??
maybe somebody should chuck some quad skates somewhere along the greenway to mark it as an fruit boot free zone!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
stop loose gravel

there wasn't any "loose gravel" yet, but i'll bet there will be in the next few days.
i TOTALLY agree with the "stop loose gravel" sentiment, cuz it's so dusty, and it totally SUCKS to ride a bike on, and to me it just seems like a totally lazy way to "repave" a street.
yeah, i know...it says "stop, 4 way, loose gravel", but i'm ignoring the "4 way" part. also this reminds me of some comedian who was complaining about "kids these days" not protesting, and the the only "protest" sings he ever saw were "end road construction". i think of that everytime i see one of those signs - wish i could remember who it was. oh well...
Friday, August 22, 2008
midtown global market artcar show
Thursday, August 21, 2008
minneapolis library queue

i haven't been inside the library part yet, but i'm sure it doesn't have as much "character" as the old library. esp on the 2nd floor with the chess players, and the use-at-your-own-risk bathrooms!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

then about 5 feet away i saw this, so yep, blood it is. looks like a the person used a napkin or papertowel to sop it up.

a couple of months ago there was an unwrapped, but unused condom in the rocks like 2 feet away from where the blood napkin was today.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
morevalu store at bloomington & 26th.
"Protected" seems more than a little bit of an overstatement.
really? "protected"? how? in like the same way that one's eyes "protect" them from somebody doing something to them imply because they can SEE the other person?
yeah, that's effective...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
hope that's wine

i know, not v exciting, but gotta keep my 1 post a day thing going...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
mpls footy
so thanks to mnspeak, and specifically the deets, i learned yesterday that there's an austrailian rules football team (or league maybe?) in mpls.
here's their site: http://mnfooty.com/
i checked out this morning's game, and it seems super rad. i would totally recommend checking out their next game in sept.

Friday, August 15, 2008
tagged and bagged

ended up at the hopkins goodwill, was looking through the books, and wondered how there are 2 random books in sanskrit between danielle steele and joe eszterhas. WEIRD!

Thursday, August 14, 2008
cheese siesta

what's next? a little black dude by the watermelon, or an obesewhite trash woman in the chips/soda aisle, or, meh, just comeup with your own nonsense stereotype.
here's the deal...
i'm out and about a lot in south minneapolis. more specifically in the longfellow, seward, powderhorn, and phillips neighborhoods, and the greenway.
i figured that since i'm always noticing stuff while i'm out, why not snap a picture of anything that i see that strikes me as cool, or sad, or suprising, or shitty, or whatever.
the plan is to post like picture or two each day, and post it here. sometimes with commentary, sometimes not. sometimes they'll from a phone camera, sometimes from a "real" digital camera, so the quality will vary.