i noticed this tagging on wednesday, and THAT actually is what kinda put in my mind to do a photo blog thing.

i'm of two minds re: tagging. 1 - public sorta property like underpasses, bridges, telephone poles, shit like are things that i guess i don't really have a prob with people leaving their marks on. oh, and train cars too, cuz some of that shit is v nice. ( i know A LOT of people will disagree with that, but that's just how i feel about it). 2 - personal property, tho, is totally different. those cocksuckers need to leave THAT shit alone. really. just fuck right off. there's NO call for defacing some individual's or group's shit. especially something as benign as a super cool sign at a community garden.
bonus story:
ended up at the hopkins goodwill, was looking through the books, and wondered how there are 2 random books in sanskrit between danielle steele and joe eszterhas. WEIRD!

also grabbed these skates, but didn't have a backpack or bag with me, and couldn't find a good one at the gw, so did this:

THAT didn't work so well, as i kept smashing my knees into them, so i stopped at the target that's right off the trail in slp (i think), and after almost buying a clearanced "cars" back pack, decided on this large cloth bag thing that was in with the purses. it worked GREAT!
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