Thursday, February 2, 2012

when two become one

through the fence, you can kinda see where the Central Corridor Light Rail Transit line is goona meet the Hiawatha Light Rail Transit line. it's just west of 35w near the crack stacks, er... ghetto in the sky, er... riverside plaza.

i wonder if there's gonna be some sort of "golden spike" ceremony a la the meeting of the central pacific and union pacific in utah to make the first transcontinental railroad. if so, i assume r.t. rybak would get the final pound since the tracks DO meet in minneapolis. st paul mayor chris coleman should prolly get a whack or two, as should people from the met coucil whose names i can't remember (peter mclaughlin, maybe? sorry...).

whatever happens, i'll just be glad when the Hiawatha LRT Bicycle and Pedestrain Trail doesn't have that shitty detour. i mean, seriously... it's only like a few blocks,but riding on a sidewalk passed the NSP substation feels really weird, AND more then once there have been SUPER shady characters hangin' out along it. i'm very glad that it appears that maybe the new path between 11th and the cedar/riverside lrt stop will have some overhead lighting. now, if they'd only only do that along the entire path...

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