Saturday, August 23, 2008

stop loose gravel

i saw like a million of these signs today while trying to make a shortcut from the columbia heights unique thrift store and the salvation army. anybody who knows that area will agree that there really isn't one, but i had forgotten that, and, well...

there wasn't any "loose gravel" yet, but i'll bet there will be in the next few days.

i TOTALLY agree with the "stop loose gravel" sentiment, cuz it's so dusty, and it totally SUCKS to ride a bike on, and to me it just seems like a totally lazy way to "repave" a street.

yeah, i says "stop, 4 way, loose gravel", but i'm ignoring the "4 way" part. also this reminds me of some comedian who was complaining about "kids these days" not protesting, and the the only "protest" sings he ever saw were "end road construction". i think of that everytime i see one of those signs - wish i could remember who it was. oh well...

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