Wednesday, August 26, 2009

minneapolis dead end

is minneapolis a dead end city? hell no!

Friday, August 21, 2009

shovel at seward community center playground

it looks like some kid got a bit out of control at the seward community center playground just north of mathews park...

Monday, June 15, 2009

powderhorn park turtle

yay! i "saved" a turtle that was hangin' out on 31st just north of poho park.

not sure what it was doing so far away from the lake, but figured the grass in the park would be better than the road so i moved it. (there wasn't any mowing going on, or anything.

not sure what kind of turtle it is, but the person i was with speculated that it was a snapping turtle. it DID seem awfully bitey...

i think its trying to bite me is just its way of saying thanks!

you're welcome!

Friday, June 12, 2009

squirrel v english house sparrow

so, i'm hard at work and minding my own biz at about 5:00 this evening, and i hear the (what seems like) million english house sparrows that are nesting in the vines outside my window making a HUGE ruckus.

hoping that there's one of the hawks that i've seen "hunting" in the vines before, i head to the window with my camera, only to see a SQUIRREL on the window ledge munching on a chick.


why can't there be an army of squirrels trained to hit the nests of this invasive species, and tcb? maybe someday...

anyways, over the next 1/2 hour i shot a few short vids, and took some still photos which didn't work that well since the "feast" was on the other side of a screen, but here's a representative shot: