Sunday, January 29, 2012

unspoken sex

so, i'm walking through Seward on my way back from the a podcast taping of the always hilarious Kermit's Corner* at the Triple Rock Social Club**, and i noticed that there are words in the fence/railing thing that's at the Playwrites' Center on Franklin.

it was much colder than i thought, and i was inappropriately dressed, so i didn't spend a ton of time checking them out, BUT there were two combinations that stuck out:

unspoken death, and want sex.

* i learned of this fucking thing cuz 2 retired announcers for the North Star Roller Girls (NSRG) are half of the crew (cast?). you can check out previous podcasts here:
** omg! seriously, if you want a delicious and cheap breakfast or brunch thing, head to the Triple Rock on the weekend. SO good, and it's like a whole day's worth of calories! the bloodies are great too, but i dug 'em more when they were cheaper.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

so, if a bike was like a deer...

...this would be a carcass after the wolves were done:

there are still a bit of "meat" on there for the crows, and ravens, and mice, or whatever, tho.

also, poor guy didn't stand a chance, what with being all locked up like that.